Aboriginal Centre for the Performing Arts offers both Fee-for-Service and Government subsidised and/or funded courses. These programs have different rules and requirements. This means that student fees may vary depending on the individual circumstances of each student.

Program Type What This Means Student Contribution Government Contribution
Fee-For-Service Your course is fully paid by you and not funded or subsidised by the Government. Your fee will vary depending on the course. N/A
Higher Level Skills The Queensland State Government subsidise the training (eligibility criteria applies) for certain courses. A student co-contribution fee must be paid in advance (refer below). Eligibility conditions apply and a student must provide suitable evidence to qualify.
VET in Schools The Queensland State Government fully fund the qualification (eligibility criteria applies). No individual student fees apply. Fully funded by the Queensland Government.

Higher Level Skills Program Fees

Higher Level Skills program is funded by the Queensland Government. The Queensland Government will fund only one Higher Level Skills program for an individual. The individual must not already hold or be currently enrolled in a Certificate IV or higher level qualification, regardless of where delivered or achieved.

It is a requirement of the Higher Level Skills program that the student pays a co-contribution fee which must not be waived by the RTO. The Aboriginal Centre for the Performing Arts has set the co-contribution fees and these are set out below.

Course Code Course Title Number of Units Student Contribution Government Funding Available Full Fee
11305NAT Certificate II in Performing Arts (VET in Schools) 9 Nil $2,710 $2,710
11305NAT Certificate II in Performing Arts 9 $1,499 annual fee $2,710 $5,420
CUA20120 Certificate II in Dance (School price) 10 N/A $N/A $2,710
CUA20120 Certificate II in Dance 10 N/A $N/A $5,420
11306NAT Certificate III in Performing Arts 15 $1,500 annual fee $NA $6,564
10968NAT Certificate IV in Performing Arts (Higher Level Skills) 15 $1,500 annual fee $9,308 $10,808
11071NAT Diploma of Performing Arts (Higher Level Skills) 15 $1,500 annual fee $7,410 $8,910
11072NAT Advanced Diploma of Applied Performing Arts (Higher Level Skills) 10 $1,500 annual fee $9,055 $10,555

Contact us for more information.

Fee Inclusions and Exclusions (All Programs)

Fees include:

  • Facility and/or program orientation/inductions
  • Tuition and tutorials
  • Study guides, workbooks
  • Authorised supported learning materials and compulsory textbooks (if applicable)
  • Student counselling and support (internal)
  • Student identification card
  • Australian Goods and Services Tax (GST) where applicable to items listed above
  • 1 copy of all completion documents (at completion or withdrawal/early exit as applicable)

Fees do not include:

  • Travel to and from campus
  • Daily living expenses
  • Off-campus excursions
  • Stationery (books, pens, photocopying, etc.)
  • At home learning resources
  • Replacement study guides of program learning materials
  • National Police Clearance certificates (unless a pre-requisite for vocational placement)
  • Re-issue or replacement of Award or Statement of Attainment
  • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Students are advised to keep their receipts regarding education expenses for taxation purposes.

Fee Payment Structure

Students will be issued with a tax invoice setting out the payable amount and the terms for payment.

Fees must be paid in full before the course commencement date.

Refund Process

Withdrawal of enrolment must be in writing.

A cancellation fee of $150 may apply.

A refund of fees paid in advance will be issued after all outstanding student fees have been calculated and paid.

The Aboriginal Centre for the Performing Arts will refund a discontinuing student for units of competency paid for in full but not commenced.

Please note that this is subject to conditions including but not limited to adherence to the ACPA Student Exit Policy.